Wednesday, March 14, 2007


"Proteophobia often describes the outsider as being in
opposition to rational, non-ambivalent characteristics:

All traits ascribed to the outsiders signify ambivalence. Dirt is, as we know, a thing out of place, something which ought to stay elsewhere, lest it should blur the dimensions which ground the order of things… Unreliability means erratic behaviour which defies probabilities and makes calculation based on the knowledge of rules useless. Laziness stands for defying universality of routine and, by proxy, the very determined nature of the world. A similar semantic load is carried by other most common elements of the outsiders’ stereotype: they are morally lax, sexually promiscuous, dishonest… overemotional and incapable of sober judgement – and altogether irregular and unpredictable… In other words, the outsiders are the gathering point for risks and fears which accompany cognitive spacing. (Bauman 1993: 162)"


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